Olah Udang Jadi Donat yang Crispy dan Gurih, Cocok Untuk Menu Bekal Sekolah Anak

- 18 Maret 2023, 11:24 WIB
donat udang yang gurih dan crispy
donat udang yang gurih dan crispy /YouTube Bagja Vlog



BERITASUKOHARJO.com - For mothers, maybe preparing a child's school lunch menu is a fairly complicated and confusing activity.



However, with shrimp processed into crispy and savory donuts, the dish is suitable for children's school lunch menus.


Because the crispy and savory shrimp donuts can be used as frozen food, so mothers just need to fry in the morning without being complicated when preparing their children's school lunch menu.

Also read: How to Make Javanese Fried Rice for Children's School Lunch Menu.


Editor: Ananda Nuraini

Sumber: YouTube Bagja Vlog


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